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Gutsy Pasta

I love pasta, so I was very happy to learn that if you cook pasta and then chill it, your body will treat it more like fiber, creating a smaller glucose peak and helping feed the good bacteria that reside in your gut. You will also absorb fewer calories. BUT WAIT... when you reheat it, you will reduce the rise in blood glucose even more - by as much as 50%! Read more here:

3 comentários

Deb KH
Deb KH
30 de jun. de 2024

I just love cold Lo Mein!


31 de dez. de 2023

Ok this is genius. My great grandmother was born in the Calabria region of Italy and my Great grandfather in Barenello. To my misfortune, I was never able to talk with them...


21 de jul. de 2022

I did not know this! And it is very useful to know - I'm a pasta fan :)

Thanks, Jean!

(Sandra Paul, NZ)

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