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Photographs are like portals to another time and place. This photograph proved to be a tangible link when I opened the image on my computer and saw a key in the recently eroded dirt of the mound the ducks are standing on. As with most discovered artifacts and buried treasure, the thrill of gently digging it from the hard earth gave way to a flurry of questions that will never be answered.


Deb KH
Deb KH
Jun 30, 2024

I feel that way when I look at the face of an old antique clock. Especially the really really old ones. Wondering what things were going on in the lives of the people who owned them - the good and the bad.


Aug 06, 2022

They look like keys to a padlock of some sort...or maybe to someone's boat??


Sandra Paul
Sandra Paul
Jul 28, 2022

Serendipity ❤️ My first thought had me wondering if they were rosary beads... You're right, though. The keys had an owner once upon a time, & a past life now destined to be a mystery. I still have my dear mother's bedroom door key, with its old worn & thin leather tie-tag. When I think of how many times she held & used that key in her lifetime, & I now hold it and think of it as a blessed kind of amulet. I love the family of ducks xx

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